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Currently, I am not scheduling any groups because I am not getting enough requests to form a group.  If you are a healthcare provider or other mental health resource, I invite you to help me recruit clients.  I would love to host groups, but I need a minimum of 8 participants that can commit to about 8-12 weeks.  

DBT is widely known for treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder, but is helpful for anyone experiencing mood disturbances, impusiveness, difficulty with relationships.  For more on DBT click here.  I also offer DBT therapy on an individual basis in combintion with insight-oriented therapy or will work concurrently with another therapist.  

Sexual Abuse Survivors and Thrivers
This group is for those who have experienced childhood sexual abuse and find themselves affected in adulthood.  Participants will be screened for readiness for this group due to the sensitive nature of this group's focus.  Prerequisites or additional support may be recommended.
Living with Schizophrenia
This group provides a weekly session that involves goal setting, self-awareness and social skills for those living with schizophrenia. This group follows the 10 Rules for Fighting Depression and Building Resilience group. 
A mind-body group that meets for 10 weeks.  Group utilizes format developed by James S Gordon who is a pioneer in the field of Mind-Body Medicine.  This group emphasizes use of meditation and group support to identify and address individual problems.
This is a 6 hour workshop that can be offered in two parts.  The first part explains how the mind-body connection works and what it has to do with depression.  The second part is about my 10 Rules.  In that portion we learn about each Rule, what it is, its benefits and how you can implement it in your life.  Participants will leave with a plan for improving one or more life dimensions and skills to stay on track. I provide this workshop at your place of business, worship, or other organization.  
10 Rules for Fighting Depression and Building Resilience
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